Swamp Thing beautifully written by Shane


Swamp Thing


Today’s #ReflectConnect is all about reflecting upon any muddy, swampy moments of your week, year or professional practice and how you will reflect on action and pull your feet out of the mud? Or support others?


The swamp is needed. Challenges show us what is important and develops our reactions.

Related, I've been listening to a podcast. Survival of the fittest. We misunderstand Darwin. The strength in social connection outperforms individual strength.

Love the tribe. Help the tribe.

Development of the Idea

To understand my thoughts behind this we need to meander back to a little way in the past. Pressures in life back in 2017 brought me to my knees and it climaxed in a mental breakdown at the back end of year. I won’t delve into the years and events leading up to it, that’s a story for another time. However, at that point, though insisting and knowing I was not suicidal, suicidal ideation filled much of my waking time. An extremely unhealthy place to be, but what can be done when you see no route out?

I ended the year at my lowest ever point and it was all I could do to get out of bed in the late morning, only to fall asleep on the sofa an hour or so later. I was a shell of myself. How did I begin to recover? Well here, I consider myself a very lucky person. All the support I could need was there if I could bring myself to share. Work signed me off, a therapist was available immediately, as was a psychiatrist. A combination of the therapy, medication and me helped me stand again. Then through therapy came the first tentative steps of moving forward once more. At this point, I’d fallen so far behind of where I previously thought I was, that I could not imagine I’d get back to the place I should be. Recovery was slow at first, but when it came to returning to work, I was strong enough to know I wasn’t going to hide. No compulsion to talk about what had happened, but why the hell not? Then around six months later the real magic started to happen. It started with something as simple as reading the right book for me at just the right time. It spoke to me. Who was I? Who am I and was I really prepared to find out? Fortunately, the combination of assistance I have received in that time has answered that with a firm yes. To cut a long story short I am now the person I felt comfortable to call me back when I was eight years old. Limited facades, just being me and unabashed of it. Layers and layers had to be stripped away before being truly ready to fly again. That excess weight, the excess baggage had to come off. The last three years has been a voyage of discovery.


The abridged version of this brings us to the present day. I am not naïve enough to believe life will be plain sailing, in fact it hasn’t been. Why can I deal with it better, not perfectly but better, today? It’s fundamental and basic, I know me, I mostly like me. That me is the person who has always believed in the power of groups. The potential to accomplish things that no man or woman can do alone. The gift of you, of anyone, that gives to the group is rewarded with achievements you can’t possibly imagine otherwise. If you have a tribe that cares. Which brings us back to that quote about misunderstanding Darwin. Survival of the fittest. How do you define fittest? An individual specimen that is stronger or faster or even more resilient than the rest? No that definitely isn’t it. Your tribe, the one that truly cares, the one which will have your back and you will have theirs. The one that you connect with in a way that you know you belong, that is the fitness that everyone needs.


With love.

