Turn Your Face to the Sun by Annie Pendrey


Turn Your Face to the Sun by Annie Pendrey

Thank you for beginning to read this blog, this is just the introduction to a series of blogs and my new book proposal. 'Turn Your Face to the Sun'. If you read the first snippet and wish to be part of my next book proposal please leave a comment as the flowers are just germinating .......starting with this snippet....for you to read.....

In my Early Years days as a Nursery Nurse, now best known as a Teaching Assistant, my family group of children were The Sunflowers. I cannot begin to count how many young children and adults I have nurtured and encouraged to grow throughout my career. However, the past 12 months has sort of been my turn to grow and it has honestly been a battle and I am not quite sure I have flourished into that Sunflower just yet.

The Sunflower is the inspiration for my reflection this week, much like the sunflower, I feel I am constantly chasing the light, turning my head to face the sun, to discover where I truly sit in the flower bed. Whilst I am comfortable in knowing I am me; it is difficult to adjust to having no attachment to an institution and it would have been so easy to wither with no sunshine which we all need for personal growth.

So, what do sunflowers do when there is no sun? They turn their faces to face fellow sunflowers to share their energy and their joy and it is here I have discovered a new garden of sunflowers and lost a few along the way. There are not many sunflowers in my garden who stand amongst me but the ones that are there all stand proud and tall. empower me and encourage me to continue to grow.

I have learnt there are dark and gloomy days when the weather is dull, when you have no work and only shiny buttons in your bank account, but it is on these dull days, I choose to reflect, I choose to stay strong and wait for the sun to come out once more.

This week’s #ReflectConnect is a quiet reflection, you do not have to post a single word, all you need to do is look around you and seek out a Sunflower nearby and consider whilst they might stand tall and proud, without the sun they may just need some nurturing and energising.

Who will you nurture today?

Twitter @AnniePendrey
